I live to disappoint.
You read that correctly. Despite envisioning a path in medicine during high school, my curiosity led me to an exciting opportunity that disrupted my plans. Instead of donning a white coat, I found myself captivated by the vibrant realm of communications and marketing. How disappointing that must’ve been for my science tutors.
My meticulous personality, once earmarked for surgical precision, now fuels my endeavors as a communications professional. I meticulously craft strategic plans, championing my clients' causes with passion and precision. Collaboration is my true forte— I thrive on connecting with diverse teams and audiences and immersing myself in new experiences that feed my creativity.
My commitment to my clients and my work surpasses mere satisfaction. I am steadfast in providing authentic strategic guidance to ensure success, even if it requires challenging or pushing the envelope. I aim to exceed expectations and disrupt conventional thinking, compelling my clients to realize that they may not have been thinking big enough.
Throughout my career, I've navigated various industries including technology, non-profit and healthcare (perhaps, not a total disappointment!) — and explored diverse facets of the communications landscape. This diverse journey has equipped me with a unique perspective and an appetite for challenging the status quo.
My mission? To continue to disappoint, of course! I want to redefine what communications and leadership look like. I aim to inspire and innovate by pushing boundaries and delivering exceptional results. So, fasten your seatbelt and brace for an exhilarating journey because mediocrity simply isn't part of my vocabulary.
Want to know something fun about me?